Sunday, November 25, 2007

What is the ClimaSOS project?

In the focus of the ClimaSOS project is the changing climate. This truly international team of teachers, students, and local communities has joined to investigate the causes and consequences of the climatic changes. We are also planning to take a critical look at present practices at various levels, involving people who are ready to change their minds and habits and develop a wiser approach to their environment.

We believe that something must be done now, and we hope that we can reach people, communities and organisations. The students will have the opportunity to compare what is going on in their localities with other realities at a European and global level in order to confront opinions, find out different ways to solve the problems, suggest solutions and act locally in a European citizen’s perspective.ClimaSOS project work will be heavily based on the use of ICT tools and the project will be registered as an eTwinning partnership and it will also appear on the YRE site. The results will be published in local and school newspapers, broadcast on local radio stations, and they will be seen on the official website of the project and in the events of the partner schools.