Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ClimaSOS in Denmark

The professor Gabriel Ferreira da Escola Secundária da Póvoa de Lanhoso participated in an eTwinning workshop about Professional Development (PDW) in Denmark from 26 to 28 of March.

He presented the work developed by ClimaSOS project.

Here you have some pictures of this event and the link for farther informations [ http://www.emu.dk/gsk/internationalt/etwinning/pdw/pdw-roskilde-resume.html]

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Global Warming - Links

Here you have some links related to the Global Warming


JAXA’s site (japonese spacial agencie) with data from satellites related to the extension of the sea’s ice in the Artic. The grafic allows us the comparation with the recent years.


University of Illinois’s site. It has NASA’s data resulting from the monitorization of the extension of the sea’s ice in the poles. In this site there are animations related to the last 30 days of the monitorization. You can also download movies of the changes of the ice.


GISS’s data refering to the monitorization of the global temperatures of the atmosphere.


This is the link to the site of university of Alabama in Huntsville (responsible for analizing the temperatures of the atmosphere monitorized by NASA’s satellites).


Solar and Heliospheric Observatory- SOHO’s web site. In this site you can check out the solar activity. In the option “movie theater” you can create animations of the son for a period of time specified by you.

Good researches!

This links were given by the Professor Renato Henriques, from the University of Minho.