Thursday, February 21, 2008

From the Kyoto Protocol to the Roadmap in Bali

The global warming of the planet results mainly from human activities which have increased since the Industrial Revolution (19th century).
If we don’t immediately reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), the effects of global warming will be dramatic, especially in the under developed countries which have no resources and infrastructure to face/ deal with this environmental nightmare.
In 1997, in the 3rd Conference of the Parts of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP3), was signed the Kyoto Protocol, a major international instrument to attack global warming, whose main objective is the reduction of GHGs emissions. However, the document only entered into force in February 2005, after the ratification by the Russian Federation. Here, 35 developed countries committed themselves to reduce GHGs emissions to 5.2% below the levels of 1990, in the period of 2008-2012.
The Kyoto Protocol has not been ratified by the USA (country responsible for a third of global emissions of GHG) nor by Australia (one of the greatest polluters).
Over the years several Conferences of the Parts on Climate Change have taken place, as well as Reports by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
In 2007 took place the 4th IPCC Report and the 13th COP, which was held in Bali, Indonesia, whose main objective was to open negotiations to the extension of the Kyoto Protocol after 2012. In this conference, Australia and the United States surprised the world, as Australia ratified the Kyoto Protocol and the US pledged to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, but without mandatory values. The COP-13 ended with the approval of the "Roadmap in Bali", a document that stipulates the time of the negotiations, as well as policies to be implemented in order to give continuity to the Kyoto Protocol. This document should be finished by 2009, the year in which a new protocol with renewed goals, more ambitious and involving all nations, shall be fixed and approved in Copenhagen.
Margarida Fonseca

Saturday, February 16, 2008

New important climate proposals!!

I'm a member of a environmentalist association, called WWF ( the former World Wide Foundation). I subscribed (for free) and now I receive an email every time they want me to take action. I can do this in many ways. I can send an email to the government that I think is acting well or badly or I can sign an online petition...
Today, I received an email that made me extremely happy. They informed me that the Scottish Government has been publishing proposals to change the climate legislation. There proposal is to reduce by 80%, the greenhouse emissions until 2050. This legislation still hasn't been approved, but if we make enough pressure it will!!
I will leave here the site were you can take action:
Please, remember: this is something we can all do, something that may help the world!!

By: Ana Joana Gorjão

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A new insight on Quioto's Protocol

As you know the Quioto protocol was signed by all countries ( except the USA and Australia) with the purpose of reducing the CO2 emissions.
But not everything that glitters is gold!
The developed countries are buying cotes from the subdeveloped ones. This means that they continue to emite big amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere and are not reducing or making an efford to reduce this emissions as they should.
As this is a countinues fact the atmosphere gets more damaged and we are all suffering the consequences.
Ironically the USA is one of the countries that are suffering more. Tornados, flouds, hurricanes and other of the sort keep destruing the country, but still the USA does not sign.
This is one of the moments in witch we have to pressuere our governements so they know this isn't the right thing to do!

Ana Joana e Inês Barros