Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meeting in Hungary: the beginning

For more words I could use, I couldn’t tell you how this trip was fruitful.
Visiting Hungary was witnessing the great landmarks of Budapest, was learning new habits and new ways of thinking, was discovering the unknown and finding that we identify ourselves with the spirit of the city.
We also met Zalaegerzeg, a town on the border of Hungary with Austria, where we spent an amazing week at the Kolcsey Ferenc Gymnázium school.
During these days, we had the opportunity to discover several places of historic importance and natural beauty near the city. At school, each team decorated a placard to promote its own country and made a presentation about its culture. The Portuguese Team pleased everyone with the Fernando Pessoa´s poetry, Maria João Pires’ music and folklore dances.
We also had the possibility to learn a little more about the culture of Hungary, Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Sweden (e.g.: gastronomy, popular dances, songs and mother tongue).

Although, I think the most rewarding thing was getting to know with teachers and students from other countries, with whom we developed great friendships! Of course that I could not forget the host families who received us at their house with open arms, wishing, in the end, our return!
The farewell was difficult. It costs to admit that, in that moment, each person is going to its own country. But I know that this "Clima SOS" meeting in Hungary can be summarized in one simple phrase:
"This is not the end. This is the beginning!"

Inês Barros, Portuguese Team

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